The IDF on Motzei Shabbos announced that an IDF officer fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip on Shabbos. He was identified as Cpt. Avraham Ben Pinchas, H’yd, 24, from the yishuv of Charasha in Binyamin. He served as a platoon commander in the 46th Battalion, Iron Trails Division (401). About two months ago, Avraham, z’l was seriously injured in battle in Gaza. After a period of recovery and rehabilitation, he insisted on returning to battle. He left behind his parents and nine siblings. Another sister, Efrat, a’h was killed in a traffic accident about four years ago. Yisrael Gantz, the head of the Binyamin Regional Council, said: “We bow our heads in mourning on the fall of Avraham the hero, a respected officer who led his soldiers in the war against the enemy in Gaza. Four years ago we arrived at the family’s home to inform them of the death of the sister Efrat, a’h, in a traffic accident; this is a blow upon blow. We pray that the family finds strength and that Hakadosh Baruch Hu sends them great comfort.” Yeshivat Roeh Yisrael in Yitzhar, where Avraham, zl, learned stated: “We are shocked and pained by the fall of our beloved talmid. Avraham combined broad knowledge, love of Torah, and practical abilities, which he manifested during his years of study at the yeshiva, and later in his significant service as a soldier and commander in the armored corps. He was dedicated to his soldiers and to the mission, and he fought in Gaza for most of the last year. אבינו מלכינו נקום לעינינו נקמת דם עבדיך השפוך” (YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)
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