American enthusiasm for the upcoming November elections has notably increased, with a significant boost coming from Democratic voters. According to a newly released Gallup poll, nearly 8 in 10 Democrats reported being “more enthusiastic than usual” about voting. Gallup’s memo highlights that overall enthusiasm for the election has surged, with 69% of U.S. adults now expressing increased eagerness to vote, up from 54% in March. This increase is particularly pronounced among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, whose enthusiasm jumped from 55% in March to 78% in August. In contrast, Republicans and Republican-leaning independents saw a smaller rise, from 59% in March to 64% in the August poll. The surge in voter enthusiasm, coupled with a heightened focus on the election, suggests that voter participation could potentially exceed 2020 levels. In the last presidential election, two-thirds of eligible U.S. adults cast ballots, marking the highest turnout in over a century. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)