Women of the Wall, the radical anti-frum feminist group, is making another push for what they deem “women’s prayer rights” at the Kosel, asking that the annual menorah lighting ceremony on Chanukah, traditionally held in the men’s section of the site, be moved to a more “accessible location.”
The event has been held in the men’s section for years, where women are prohibited from entering.
The group, which is funded by the Reform and Conservative movements, has demanded that the ceremony be relocated to the central square of the Kosel, where both men and women can attend together. Women of the Wall argues that this would allow for a more “inclusive and egalitarian celebration of the holiday.”
However, as the group is not expecting a favorable response from the rov of they Kosel, they are planning to take matters into their own hands. Women of the Wall members intend to assemble their own menorah this Chanukah, bringing the pieces of the menorah to the Kosel and putting it together themselves.
This demand is just the latest in a series of efforts by the Reform and Conservative movements to alter the traditional religious practices at mekomos hakedoshim in Eretz Yisroel. Such actions are being battled by groups like the Eretz HaKodesh party of the World Zionist Organization, which recognizes these constant attempts as efforts to undermine Torah Yiddishkeit in the Holy Land.
{Matzav.com Israel}