On Thursday it was announced that three IDF soldiers fell in battle in Gaza.
Ori Bornstein, a reservist from Lod.
Tzvi Matityahu Marantz, a reservist from Bnei Adam.
Major Netanel Hershkovitz, from Yerushalayim.
Yair Revivo, the Mayor of Lod, eulogized Ori Bornstein, saying: “Ori, originally from the town of Moreshet, studied at the Maoz Military Preparatory Academy in Lod and in recent years lived in the Neve Zayit neighborhood as a machine engineering student at Ariel University. We send condolences to the family and community.”
Ori’s Levayah will be at 11:00 p.m. on
Tzvi Matityahu Marantz, age 32, is survived by his wife, Tal, and his three young children: Omer (7), Ofir (4) and Naya (1).
Council Head Yisrael Gantz eulogized: “We are shocked and pained by Tzvi’s death. A father of small children who went out to fight for the resurrection of the people of Israel and victory over our enemies. We embrace dear Tal and the young children. The people of Israel will fight heroically until victory.”
His levayah will be at 1am on Har Herzl in Yerushalayim.
Major Netanel Hershkovitz, aged 37, was a Deputy Company Commander in the Logistical Support Unit of the 5460th Unit, 460th Brigade.