“Facts don’t care about feelings,” according to Ben Shapiro, host of one of the most popular podcasts in the U.S., but Ben certainly cares and has feelings for Daf Yomi. On his January 7th show, Shapiro related to his millions of listeners about the Daf Yomi program and the recent Siyum Hashas. After providing a brief overview about the significance of the 7.5-year study program and the ensuing Siyum, Shapiro mentioned that he recently began learning Daf Yomi as well, with the aid of a particular resource: the brand-new All Daf app, developed by the Orthodox Union. A truly groundbreaking platform, All Daf offers the world’s most popular Daf Yomi shiurim, including R’ Moshe Elefant; R’ Shalom Rosner; R’ Sruly Bornstein; R’ Aryeh Lebowitz; and R’ Shloime Schwartzberg of Daf Hachaim, as well as a vast range of unique Daf-related content and resources. Popular resources include Daf-in-Depth; Daf-in-Practice, which provides practical Halachic takeaways on the Daf; the innovative Jewish History in Daf Yomi, which gives Daf Yomi learners an entirely new perspective on the figures and places mentioned on the Daf; Pesukei HaDaf, a short shiur on the pesukim found in the day’s Daf, as well as a plethora of other helpful materials to enhance one’s learning. Since its release, Alldaf.org has taken the Daf Yomi world by storm. In less than a month, more than 15,000 people have since downloaded the app and use it for their daily learning. Download the free All Daf app! Android: https://go.alldaf.org/android Apple:  https://go.alldaf.org/apple Website (currently in beta): alldaf.org
The post Ben Shapiro Promotes Daf Yomi And the Groundbreaking All Daf App appeared first on The Yeshiva World.