The Biden administration has confirmed reports of withholding a shipment containing 2,000 and 500-pound bombs, expressing concerns over their potential use by Israel in a significant ground operation in Rafah. It marked the first instance since October 7 that the US had paused a weapons delivery intended for Israel.
Washington’s stance against a large-scale offensive in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah remained firm, driven by apprehensions about the safety of over a million Palestinians residing there amidst escalating tensions. The administration deemed it impractical for Israel to undertake such an operation without risking civilian casualties.
According to a senior Biden administration official speaking to The Times of Israel, the US engaged in multiple virtual meetings with Israeli counterparts in recent months to convey their reservations regarding a potential operation in Rafah. Alternative strategies to target Hamas without resorting to a full-scale invasion were discussed during these sessions.
Despite ongoing discussions, the White House concluded that its concerns were not adequately addressed by Israeli leadership. The official emphasized the need for further dialogue but acknowledged the limitations of previous engagements.
“As Israeli leaders seemed to approach a decision point last month on such an operation, we began to carefully review proposed transfers of particular weapons to Israel that might be used in Rafah,” the official stated, outlining the administration’s cautious approach to arms transfers.
The review process led to the temporary hold on a shipment comprising 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs. Concerns were specifically raised about the potential use of the larger bombs in densely populated areas like Rafah, mirroring previous Israeli tactics in other parts of Gaza.
The official clarified that a final decision had not been reached regarding the paused shipment, indicating ongoing deliberations within the administration.
Addressing reports of delayed transfers of Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), the official acknowledged the holdup, which occurred separately from the recent postponement of bomb shipments. However, the official stressed that these reviews pertain to future transfers and do not involve imminent deliveries.
Emphasizing the source of the weapons under review, the official underscored that they were funded from previous allocations and not part of the recent aid package approved by Congress for Israel. The administration remained committed to ensuring that Israel receives the entirety of the allocated funds, including the recent approval of $827 million worth of additional weapons and equipment.