Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the biggest cheerleader for masks and their associated mandates over the past three years. In the face of scientific evidence and research suggesting that masks were ineffective when worn by the general population, Fauci initially dismissed their usefulness. However, without any new randomized controlled trials or evidence to justify his change of opinion, Fauci suddenly flip-flopped, promoting masks as a necessary tool to prevent the spread of COVID. Fauci claimed that masks were meant for source control and then later argued that they protected the wearer as well. Despite providing low-quality evidence, Fauci continued to support his recommendation that the public should wear two masks. He defended indefinite mandates and forcing children to wear masks, despite lacking evidence to support his assertions. Just recently, Fauci said he regrets not having pushed mask mandates earlier, despite the lack of evidence that they worked. But in the same NY Times interview, he admitted that masks don’t make a dent in the fight against Covid. “From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent,” Fauci said. So, he should have pushed mandates earlier, but masks also don’t work? For the record, there’s actually no evidence that masks are even 10% effective, but even assuming it is that high, it certainly doesn’t outweigh the negative effects of such mandates. “But for an individual who religiously wears a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95, it’s not at the margin. It really does work,” Fauci added. Again, there is no evidence of this statement being true. And Fauci himself wore a regular cloth mask and told people it doesn’t make a difference which mask they wear. Now only KN95 or N95 masks work? Fauci won’t wind up in jail for the horrors he caused whose effects will be felt for decades, but there will be Judgement waiting for him Up There. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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