Efforts are well underway to launch a Hatzalah emergency response service for the growing Cleveland community. As preparations get underway to make the squad a reality, Hatzalah of Cleveland already has the broad support of the various kehillos in Cleveland, including numerous rabbanim and civic leaders. The introduction of Hatzalah to the Cleveland community comes following years of deliberation and painstaking planning to ensure that the organization would provide real tangible benefits to residents and make a Kiddush Hashem even amongst those who do not use its services. Although currently in its planning stages, Hatzalah of Cleveland is led by a well-rounded Executive Board, Rabbinic Board, and Operational Board working in tandem to fine-tune all aspects of its future operations ahead of sending members into service. Hatzalah of Cleveland will be opening an EMT Course for prospective members shortly after Sukkos, as well as providing professional and halachic training, overseen by Rav Boruch Hirschfeld, the rav of Ahavas Yisroel and the Rosh Kollel of Torah Life Kollel. The goal is to onboard 30 EMTs by next summer, when Hatzalah is scheduled to become fully operational. “Our top priority is ensuring that every EMT who joins Hatzalah is an individual of refined temperament and upright character who will serve as a living Kiddush Hashem,” Rabbi Nissim Abrin, a member of Hatzalah’s rabbinic board, told YWN. At its outset, Hatzalah of Cleveland will not be providing transports to hospitals. Rather, its members will act to stabilize patients until the arrival of local EMS, thereby cutting the response time of a qualified EMT from minutes to sometimes seconds. Hatzalah of Cleveland has received approval from Rabbi Yechiel Kalisch, the CEO of Chevra Hatzalah, and is currently working with existing Hatzalah organizations around the country, including those in New York, Chicago, Detroit, and South Florida, to establish a service that will provide the highest quality care possible to the community, with competence, empathy, and utmost professionalism. To learn more, or to apply to join Hatzalah of Cleveland, visit https://www.hatzalahcleveland.org/ You can also email info@hatzalahcleveland.org or call 216-353-6613. (Please note this is a non-emergency number.) (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post Cleveland Community Launching Own Hatzalah Branch appeared first on The Yeshiva World.