The conversation surrounding COVID vaccines in 2021 was marred by false information.
There were many misleading statements about the vaccines’ effectiveness, with so-called “experts” making various unsupported claims. For instance, Pfizer initially claimed that their vaccine was 100% effective at preventing COVID. Rochelle Walensky, who was the head of the CDC at the time, stated that, based on their own data, vaccinated individuals neither carried the virus nor fell ill. This statement was later proven to be inaccurate.
Vaccination was promoted as the key to safely visiting family, particularly to protect older relatives from possible transmission. This too turned out to be false. Prominent figures like Anthony Fauci, along with the CDC and FDA, made numerous unverified claims about vaccine efficacy. Fauci, in particular, set ambitious targets for vaccine uptake, suggesting that reaching a certain vaccination rate among adults would essentially put an end to COVID. He never acknowledged his grave misjudgment in that regard.
Today, many of these statements have become infamous, serving as a lasting testament to the failures and arrogance of the scientific community and their supposed experts. However, these examples merely scratch the surface of the broader issues with the COVID vaccines, and new research continues to show that there are far more vaccine-induced side effects than initially acknowledged. The pattern of mismanagement and error persists.
Discussions about side effects have largely focused on myocarditis, a condition that causes inflammation of the heart muscle and predominantly affects young men. However, there are numerous other side effects directly linked to the vaccine that have largely been overlooked.
A recent study conducted by researchers at Yale University brings attention to some of these vaccine-related side effects and offers a deeper look into the mechanisms behind them.
Post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) has been increasingly associated with COVID vaccines. Some of the most common chronic symptoms of PVS include exercise intolerance, extreme fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, and dizziness. These symptoms typically appear within a day or two of receiving the vaccine, intensify in the following days, and may persist for a long period. More research is needed to determine how widespread PVS actually is.
“It’s clear that some individuals are experiencing significant challenges after vaccination. Our responsibility as scientists and clinicians is to listen to their experiences, rigorously investigate the underlying causes, and seek ways to help,” stated Harlan Krumholz, the Harold H. Hines, Jr. Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) at YSM and co-senior author of the study.
“That was surprising, to find spike protein in circulation at such a late time point,” said Iwasaki. “We don’t know if the level of spike protein is causing the chronic symptoms, because there were other participants with PVS who didn’t have any measurable spike protein. But it could be one mechanism underlying this syndrome.”
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