The frum community in Melbourne is facing an unprecedented situation not seen since World War II, a Rosh Hashanah without minyanim, a shuttered shul, and brand-new shul furniture which will remain unused. As YWN reported earlier this week, the frum community in Melbourne, which is located in the state of Victoria – currently under strict health regulations due to a coronavirus outbreak – wrote a letter to the local authorities requesting a permit to daven in minyanim for Rosh Hashanah in accordance with social distancing regulations. Their request was not approved. The restrictions preclude gatherings of even ten people and anyone who violates the regulations are subject to huge fines of thousands of dollars. A video and photos obtained by B’Chadrei Chareidim show the new furniture ordered by the Adas Yisrael shul in Melbourne arriving at the shul – furniture that will not be used after all during the upcoming Yomim Tovim. The furniture was constructed in Kibbutz Lavi in Israel. The Belzer Rebbe sent a letter of chizuk to Rav Shlomo Cohen, Av Beis Din of Kehal Adas Yisrael, encouraging the community not to become discouraged or succumb to sadness over the situation, stressing the obligation to be b’simcha on Rosh Hashanah. He also encouraged the community leaders to carry out a “bedak bayis” in light of the situation and clarify whether anyone in the community is in need of assistance or requires financial aid to purchase their Yom Tov needs. “We were waiting for this furniture for a long time…and now there’s no hope that we’ll use it on Yom Tov,” one of the community members told B’Chadrei. “We were excited to receive it but we felt a deep sadness when we unpacked it. It’s like ‘sowing and not reaping’ – very disappointing.” “The shul will be desolate over the Yamim Tovim. It’s forbidden to congregate here and the fines are very high – no one messes with the authorities. We hope we can return to shul soon.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post Dashed Hopes For Melbourne’s Jews As Pleas For RH Minyanim Turned Down appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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