Hassan Nasrallah, the longtime murderous radical Islamist leader of the Iran-backed, Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorist organization, is almost certainly dead. On Friday, Israeli Air Force jets rained bunker-buster bombs on a massive, high-rise civilian building complex in southern Beirut that housed Hezbollah’s primary headquarters deep underground. The resultant explosions leveled at least six large buildings and left a gaping crater at the site, with almost no chance of survival for anyone inside – or below. Israeli sources have confirmed that Nasrallah was at the site when the IDF struck, but there has yet to be confirmation of his almost-certain death. Former IDF intelligence chief Amos Yadlin noted to Israel’s Channel 12 that a strike of such massive proportions would have not been approved unless there was “absolutely certainty” that Nasrallah was was there. Iran’s state-sponsored media and Hezbollah sources at first claimed that Nasrallah is safe, but have since retracted the claim – eerily reminiscent of when they did the same when the IDF assassinated top Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr, and following the helicopter crash that killed former Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi. If Nasrallah’s death is confirmed, it would mark the heaviest blow against terrorists since the war began on October 7. Since September 17 – the day that Hezbollah pagers mysteriously began exploding, wounding and maiming thousands of terrorists – Israel has effectively wiped out the entire leadership of the terrorist organization. On September 18th, Hezbollah walkie-talkies exploded, and on September 22nd, the IDF launched a blistering succession of bombings and targeted airstrikes across southern Lebanon that have decimated the terrorist force. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)