By Rabbi Yair Hoffman It is always important to broaden our understanding of the Avodah of the Beis HaMikdash, may it soon be rebuilt.  This broadening of our understanding will also help us understand the nature of our prayers as well.  It may even be a fulfillment of the Mitzvah of “Hoping for the Ge’ulah,”  So let’s take a second look at Shabbos Mussaf. THE DINOVER The Dinover Rebbe, Rav Tzvi Elimelech Spira zatzal (1783-1841), is more  famously known as”the Bnei Yisaschar” for his popular sefer on Chumash.   This article refers to another sefer that he wrote on Meseches Brachos called the, “Maggid Taaluma.”  It is a remarkable sefer filled with wonderful insights. A DIFFERENT TITLE Rav Spira notes that the Mishna in Brachos 26a mentions Tefilas HaShachar, Tefilas HaErev, Tefilas Mincha, but refers to Mussaf differently.  The Mishna refers to Mussaf with the language of “VeShel Mussafin.”  It has a different title in the Mishna! “Why might this be?” asks the Dinover. INHERENTLY DIFFERENT He answers that it must be a proof to the words of the Rif that we do not add Mussaf as a Tefilas Nedavah a voluntary extra Tefillah like we do for the other three.  The  Talmid (ei?) Rabbeinu Yonah, provides an explanation.  He writes that Mussaf is inherently different than the other three types of prayers. The other three are Tefilos and beseechments, where we beg of Hashem to grant us something.  Mussaf stands apart.  Mussaf exists actually as a replacement, a substitute for the bringing of the Mussaf Korbanos of Shabbos. OTHERS WHO AGREE This also is the view of the Daas Zekainim MiBaalei HaTosfos on BaMidbar 25. He writes that it replaces the Korban Mussaf.  Rashi on Avodah Zarah 4b writes that the other Mussaf prayers (for Rosh Chodesh and Yom Tov) are praises and a retelling of things.  The clear indication of Rashi is that the Shabbos Mussaf is something else entirely. ANOTHER QUESTION AND ANOTHER INSIGHT The Dinover then poses a question to which he provides an answer.   The Mussaf prayers do have requests!  We say, “May it be Your Will that you bring us back to our country in joy, etc..!” The Dinover answers that the Talmid Rabbeinu Yonah must be teaching us that if we accidentally left this part out – we have still fulfilled our obligation of the Mussaf prayer and that this “request”  is merely a statement that when the Beis HaMikdash is rebuilt we will offer the Korbanos. LET’S GET TO KNOW WHAT IT IS So now that we have established that the Mussaf prayer is inherently different, let’s look at what it is substituting for:   The Korban Mussaf of Shabbos is different than the other Korban Mussafs. It is comprised of only two sheep that are brought as a completely burnt offering – a Korban Olah. Other Musafs are comprised of  many Korbanos from three species – from cows, from rams, and from sheep. Every other Musaf includes a Korban Chatas of a goat along with it. On Shabbos there is no Korban Chatas. There are two Korban Tamids that are brought on Shabbos and there a re two pans of incense of the Lechem HaPanim – but nothing else that is brought on the Mishkan. Every other day the Mishkan is, non-stop busy. […]