(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com) Empire Kosher is the largest producer of kosher poultry in the United States, and one of the oldest.  It was founded in Liberty, New York, in 1938 and shechts some 65,000 chickens each day.  They have between sixty and seventy shochtim. Until recently, Empire has had 4 supervising agencies providing its hechsherim: The OU The Nirbater KAJ Tartikov of Rabbi Yechiel Babad. The OU is the oldest hechsher that supervised Empire, followed by KAJ (approximately 15 years ago.  This author was present when Rav Yisroel Belsky zt”l called the KAJ to come in and add their supervision).  The most recently added supervision was Tartikov which began after this past Sukkos but was announced in April. However, as of July 20th, KAJ has pulled out.  A letter that KAJ had put out to members of its Kehillah, indeed, recommended three alternative chicken products.  The full text of the letter is reproduced below.  KAJ, in the Litvish, Yekkish, and YU communities enjoys the highest of reputations. This author reached out to both Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division as well as others directly on the scene at Empire. Rabbi Genack said, “There is absolutely no change in terms of the quality of the kashrus and of the supervision.”  He attributed the egress of KAJ to clashes in style.  Rabbi Yechiel Baabad also emphasized the high level of integrity and yiras shamayim of the shochtim and mashgichim. He stated, “The very high standards have been maintained and are constantly being observed to ensure that there are no gaps in the quality of the supervision.”   Rabbi Moshe Klarberg, Senior OU Rabbinic Coordinator and head of the OU’s Meat Team was also extremely positive about the high quality of kashrus standards at Empire.  He pointed out that Kashrus standards at Empire Kosher Poultry remain unchanged, and continue to be maintained by the OU and Rav Babad and added that the OU certifies and stands behind Empire products. He expressed to this author the OU’s disappointment in the tone of the KAJ community letter.  Also, either the Nirbater or his son visit Empire each week to ensure the highest standards of Kashrus. WHY MULTIPLE HECHSHERIM? One question that people often ask is why there is a need for multiple supervisions in the first place.  The answer to this question is simply economics.  Adding a trusted hechsher of a community increases market share.  With the growing Chassidish markets in Boro Park, Williamsburg, Monsey, Lakewood and elsewhere– and the fact that large supermarket chains have an ever-growing Kosher food section – it is a positive marketing move to add hechsherim. WHAT IS THE PROTOCOL WHEN MULTIPLE HECHSHERIM WORK TOGETHER? Generally speaking, when a new hechsher comes on board to a company, the company checks with the previous supervisions it has in order to ensure that there are no issues.  Of course, each hechsher has its own minimum standards and its own set of chumros and kullos, stringencies and leniencies that are unique to its own hechsher. AN EXAMPLE For example, there is a debate among the Hechsherim about Kashering things that require hagallah within a 24 period when they were last used.  The Mechaber, Moreinu Rav Yoseph Karo, writes in YD 95:4 that if one introduces a boiling […]
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