South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham stopped by Hannity Wednesday night to discuss his new resolution that would hold Iran accountable for terrorism carried out by proxies Hamas and Hezbollah.
“I introduced legislation today to change the policy of the United States, and here’s the policy I’m trying to implement: an attack Hezbollah against the state of Israel should be considered an attack by Iran against the state of Israel — this is a charade that needs to stop!” Graham said.
Graham also encouraged Israel to hurt the Ayatollah “in his pocketbook.”
“I’m calling tonight for Israel to destroy the oil refineries that fuel this terrorist beast. Destroy the oil refineries, and they will knock this off,” Graham said.
More on Graham’s resolution from The Jerusalem Post:

According to the resolution, the Senate “asserts that efforts to deter Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran are most credible when the President keeps all options on the table, including military force.”

The resolution holds Iran and Hezbollah responsible for “any adverse impacts on the people of Lebanon that result from an attack on the State of Israel by Hezbollah” and also urges Congress and the President to use “all diplomatic tools and power projection capabilities” to hold both Iran and Hezbollah accountable.
Graham also introduced an Authorization for Use of Military Force which would permit the use of US Armed Forces against Iran for threatening the national security of the US through the development of nuclear weapons.
According to Graham, the resolution would be triggered if the president determines that Iran possesses uranium enriched to the weapons-grade level of a nuclear warhead and possesses a delivery vehicle capable of delivering a nuclear device against Israel, other allies or the United States.

“Iran will keep going until somebody tells them to stop,” Graham told reporters during a news conference he called on Wednesday afternoon. “It is time to put red lines on their nuclear program.”

Graham said he believes “it is a certainty” that if the US doesn’t change course, Iran will possess a nuclear weapon within weeks or months.
