Jewish NYU professor Scott Galloway called out the obvious double standard of allowing college kids on campus to spread antisemitism when hate spread about other groups would never be tolerated.

“I can tell you, if I went into the NYU square with a white hood on and said, ‘Lynch the blacks’ or ‘Burn the gays,’ my ID would be shut off by that night,” Scott Galloway, an NYU Stern School of Business professor, told MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Wednesday.

“I would never work in academia again,” he added. “There would be no need for the words ‘context’ or ‘nuance,’ I wouldn’t be protected by the First Amendment or free speech.”
Watch the clip below:

From The New York Post:

His commentary comes as anti-Israel protests continue to roil NYU and other college campuses in the Big Apple and across the nation, disrupting classes with clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel students and leading to the arrests of over 130 NYU students Monday.

Galloway attributed this tolerance for antisemitism to several things — including students being too easily “manipulated” by anti-Israel content on TikTok.
“If you look at TikTok, there are 52 videos that are pro-Hamas or pro-Palestine for every one served on Israel,” he said.
“I think that we are being manipulated. I think Americans are easier fooled and they’ve been fooled.”
Galloway said he also thinks students on campus are incorrectly conflating the civil rights movement with the ongoing war in Gaza.

More over at The New York Post:
