We can only imagine the difficulties people in Ukraine are facing.
“Whatever the news network is telling you, it’s only a fraction of what’s going on. People are left with nothing. The devastation is rampant,” shared Rabbi Zushe Abelsky, director of Chabad of Moldova. “We must bring every ounce of light that we can to these people. They are depending on us!”
As the situation in Ukraine kept escalating, more and more Jews from the cities of Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, and other areas in Ukraine arrived in Moldova as a stop in order to continue their destination in Europe or Israel.

Immediately, Chabad of Moldova was there, ready to help.Thousands of Jews are currently being provided hot food, a place to stay, clothes, and transport as needed at the Chabad center in Moldova. The war in Ukraine has disrupted life for all Ukrainians – and the life of the Jewish communities in particular.

Chabad is opening new sites for refugees for meals, and locations for home and shelter. “Not everyone is privileged to know where their next stop is after Moldova. Many have come literally with one bag of clothing not knowing what tomorrow will bring,” said Zushe Abelsky, Director of Chabad Moldova.
This Shabbos, Parshas Pekudei, March 5th, Chabad hosted thousands of refugees, who were able to celebrate the holy day together in Moldova. In these times of craziness and so much uncertainty, Chabad was able to provide a place for the refugees to be able to experience a beautiful Shabbos, with delicious meals, and the unity of everyone together.
As one of the refugees shared with the Shluchim, “We would never believe that we could enjoy Shabbos so much while on the run. We were so well cared for, even our children really enjoyed!”
“Friday we hosted our guest in multiple locations, and rented out sites. Our Shul which is in mid construction hosted a meal for a few hundred people. A night full of emotions, singing and crying as one, a room on the run inspired as one!” Shared Rabbi Shmuel Zalmanov, Rabbi at the Chabad Moldova Shul.
Moldova itself is facing uncertainty, as Putin seems to be eyeing it. About ten thousand Russian soldiers are close to the capital, Kishinev. This danger is not deterring the shluchim in Moldova, and they are doing what is needed of them – to take care of the refugees. Some refugees have joined the staff at Chabad Moldova to help.
Mr. Simcha Bozour, president of the Kishinev Jewish community, and Mr. Shabtai Hanukayiv have been a great part in the success of the operation.
Arranging accommodations have been the most difficult part as of yet. Hundreds of thousands of refugees took every bed in the hotels and every bed obtained was a difficult struggle. Mr. Alexander Galperin has been instrumental in obtaining more accommodations with the intervention of Member of Parliament Mrs. Anna Davidovich.
In a conversation with Rabbi Zushe Abelsky, director of Chabad Moldova, Rabbi Yossi Asman, Chabad Shliach in Kiev thanked him for the warm hospitality he and his community received. He describes, “The shluchim there, Rabbis Axelrod, Gotzel and Zalmanov, were under extraordinary pressure these days. Each of them is required to answer hundreds of phone calls a day, to take care of people individually and each one has his own needs. They are assisting in the logistics of transporting food, clothing and sleeping arrangements. They’ve been taking care of getting people from the border and transporting them to the sleeping arrangements. And of course, despite the lack of sleep and material fatigue we were all received warmly. it’s not taken for granted!”
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