A new chapter is unfolding for the kehilla of Yeshiva Ohr Yisroel, as Harav Herschel (Tzvi Yaakov) Zolty shlit”a, one of the Roshei Yeshiva of the Mir Yeshiva in Flatbush, has been named the new Rav. Rav Zolty, who has been leading BMF—Bais Medrash of Flatbush—will now be merging his kehilla with Ohr Yisroel, assuming the mantle of leadership in the makom Torah previously headed by the late Rav Avraham Zucker, zt”l. Rav Zucker, zt”l, who was both the beloved Rav and Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Yisroel, was tragically niftar after a biking accident this past September, leaving behind a kehilla and talmidim bereft of his hadracha and warmth. In their announcement of the new Rav, Yeshiva Ohr Yisroel said: “With great Siyata D’Shmaya, we have found a most befitting Rav in Hagaon Harav Zolty, whose warmth, approachability, and hadracha will B’ezras Hashem continue to guide us as we move forward.” Like Rav Zucker zt”l, Rav Zolty is a tremendous marbitz, known for his geshmak in learning, his deep connection to his talmidim and mispalelim, and his ability to inspire bnei Torah of all backgrounds. His presence in the yeshiva will undoubtedly continue the legacy of Torah, avodah, and yiras Shamayim that defined Rav Zucker’s leadership. The official transition is set to take place next week, Parshas Beshalach, when Rav Zolty will formally assume his new role. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)