The mother of a 19-year-old girl who was brutally assaulted on the New York City subway by a gang of neon green bodysuit-clad women, says she is furious over the incident. Speaking to the New York Daily News, the mother, who requested anonymity, said her 19-year-old daughter was out with a friend celebrating her birthday when they were beaten and robbed on the train by the gang in green. Both victims, 19, were waiting for an N train in Times Square around 2 a.m. Sunday when the “loud and obnoxious” attackers appeared, the mother said.
“In police footage I’ve seen, you could see that my daughter and her friend were standing on the platform talking and laughing. They bumped my daughter and her friend, like strong-armed them.” Though the 19-year-olds tried to move out of the way, the attackers “just jumped,” the mother said. “My daughter’s words were, they bum rushed them. I asked, ‘Why? Did you say something?’ She said, ‘I wish I did, because then there would be a reason for what happened to me.’” The gang walked away with a stolen cellphone, credit cards, a wallet, and other items, according to the mother. Police are reportedly still hunting for the green bandits but say they have seen their social media pages.
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