This morning Hatzalah of Passaic/Clifton responded to a call at about 5:00AM for a “person down”. While getting out the stretcher from the back of the ambulance, a family of about 6 bees snuck into the back requiring Hatzalah to put the Ambulance out of service and call for another one. B”H with the help of a local exterminator and a service unit, Hatzalah was able to get the bees out just in the nick of time to be available for another call. This all comes after a hard week where Hatzalah of Passaic/Clifton lost one of their three ambulances while on a call due to flooding from Hurricane Ida. During the storm Hatzalah of Passaic/Clifton responded to dozens of calls with people stuck in and on top of their vehicles with water filling up, that had to be rescued. Ironic that this family of bees should come visit Hatzalah of Passaic/Clifton on Erev Rosh Hashanah when the highlight of the Yom Tov is honey from bees. May this be a Simon Tov for a happy & healthy sweet New Year for all Hatzalah members and their wife’s who selflessly give of themselves 24-7-365. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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