There are few bonds closer than that of Rebbe & talmid. One widow told a remarkable story this week of a bond between her husband and his Rav that was so close, they even died together:
Reb Reuven Bledi was a father of 4 who devotedly followed the guidance of his Rav, the Kretchnif Rebbe. Reuven supported his family through his real estate business, which unfortunately took a hard hit in the 2008 recession. Hit by hard times but determined to move forward, the Bledis sold their home to be able to put food on the table. Reuven went back to work, determined to get his family back on track toward stability.
In 2015, he went on a business trip to America and returned a changed man. While abroad, Reuven suffered a stroke. He would be disabled, and wheelchair-bound, for the rest of his life.
Despite his disability, Reuven was a ray of light to all those who loved him. He continued to devote himself to being the Kretchnif Rebbe’s Gabbai, refusing to be hindered by his tremendous daily struggles. Reuven’s rebbetzin, Mrs. Henny Bledi, took on the task of supporting her four children.
They did not know how long Reuven would make it, but they did know what the Rebbe had said: As long as the Rebbe lived, Reuven would live. And in a powerful turn of hashgacha pratis, the two passed away one shortly after the other.
Reb Bledi left behind a devastated widow and four children, now buried in the medical debt which has surmounted over the years. Rebbetzin Henny is at a loss as to move forward on her own and “quite frankly – afraid.”
Donations are being urgently collected to help this very special family who has suffered immensely, so that they can repay their debts and move forward with their basic needs met.
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