Members of the Jewish community typically observe Tisha B’Av, the annual day of mourning, by fasting, reading Eicha, and going to shul. But on Sunday, more than 250 Jews spent the occasion under the searing afternoon sun across from the White House, protesting the Trump administration’s immigration policies.
Some came in large groups from their synagogues, sporting matching T-shirts and signs that read “Never Again.” Others, like 87-year old Ann Ingram and her 59-year-old daughter, Julie Ingram, had never observed Tisha B’Av before, but felt compelled to mark the occasion for the first time this year.
In New York, approximately 100 people were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for blocking traffic at the West Side highway at an anti ICE protest, according to police.
(c) 2019, The Washington Post · Rebecca Tan  