According to data published by the Alma Research Center, The Islamic resistance in Iraq has increased its attacks on Israel over the past few days, with September seeing a peak in the number of interceptions by Israel.
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq is an umbrella group of terrorists backed by Iran.
According to Alma, 167 attacks were launched from Iraq since last November and this week.
The IDF reported intercepting 41 of these attacks, or about a quarter of the incidents. Alma found that some of these interceptions did occur in Israeli airspace.
However, this month, the IDF intercepted 17 out of 18 attacks from Iraq, a large increase. The majority of these attacks occurred between September 17th and Wednesday of this week, including two on Wednesday.
After midnight on Wednesday, two drones attacks from Iraq were detected. One drone was intercepted in the waters off of Eilat by an Israeli Navy Sa’ar 5 Corvette, while another struck the port area of Eilat.
Magen David Adom reported treating a 68-year-old man with minor injuries from glass shards, and a 28-year-old man who sustained minor injuries to his hands.
Alma stated: “It’s plausible that the escalation of Iraqi attacks aims to provide Hezbollah with additional assistance and to exert Israel’s detection and warning systems.”