The Ramat Negev Regional Council is preparing to house potentially tens of thousands of evacuees from other parts of the country, in case of an all out war with Hezbollah. The preparations include hundreds of beds and mattresses that have already been purchased, and calls for thousands more.
The regional council believes in case of all out war, thousands of Israelis will voluntarily make the trip south, which could “complicate managing the situation.” Therefore, the council said “For this reason, we’ve established an evacuee management unit aimed at aiding the incoming population.”
The head of the evacuation management unit, Neta Yagel from Kibbutz Sde Boker, said “The unit includes representatives from the welfare, education, and health departments, as well as a representative from the IDF Home Front Command.”
Yagel emphasized this would have to be run by the government, saying “The government will manage it, but we understand there might also be independent, uncontrolled evacuations. Each community will have a representative responsible for receiving the evacuees. This will allow us to create an organized registry of the evacuees and their details, and then address issues that must be seen to by the regional council.”
The council began conduction drills in preparation for this scenario two weeks ago.
Council head Eran Doron said “We see it as our moral duty and privilege to welcome our brothers and sisters, who have become refugees in their own country,”