(By: B.A. Mentch) Four years ago, in early November 2016, I wrote a scathing article about President Trump titled: The “A to Z Bumps. Why I – an Ohio Republican Frum Jew – Will Never Vote For Trump!”. Although I feel that nearly all of what I previously wrote stands true, I have now decided the time has come for me to support the reelection of President Trump. Looking ahead, I believe he deserves another term. Consider the following; Leader: He has proven over the last 4 years that, even with all his deficiencies and shortcomings, he is still able to effectively run our country. Incumbent: While to elect a president whose moral faults may be incorrect, an incumbent who has proven their competency should be considered for reelection, despite their shortcomings. Law and Order: President Trump has supported law and order, and although the right to freedom of assembly and protest is a cherished right, violence is to be condemned, not condoned. Coronavirus Lockdowns: Former Vice President Joe Biden, if elected president, would strongly consider implementation of another nationwide lockdown, which would hurt every facet of our society and economy, with long term negative ramifications, which would outweigh the benefits of controlling the current pandemic. Gratefulness: As Jews, we should to be grateful to President Trump for being extremely supportive of religious freedom and the rights of State of Israel, including advocating a fair and just peace in the Middle East. With these points in mind, I have voted this year for the reelection of President Donald Trump, and I recommend everyone to consider them when casting their ballot. bamentch2016@gmail.com NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE POSTED ON YWN? SEND IT TO US FOR REVIEW. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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