As we find ourselves collectively at a loss as to how to wrap our minds around what transpired yesterday, there are factors that must be understood and considered. Our difficulties making sense of all of this are only further compounded by the media that are simply reporting facts without context. This reporting only instills unfounded fear in our children. Events such as this cause us to question all that we know. However, There are things that we do know for certain. Mental health issues must be understood and treated appropriately. When they are not, the outcomes are so very unfortunate. As a community we are always looking out for each other and wanting to help. This must extend to mental health as well. When it is that we are aware of someone that may be struggling with anything mental health related, or having difficulty managing, we must get past our bashfulness and reach out to appropriate parties, such as our Rabbanim to help facilitate that person getting the help that they need. Klal Yisroel has many wonderful organizations that are here to help our community by providing mental health resources. However, they cannot be helpful to anyone if they are not contacted. While there has been an increase in mental health awareness within the community, it is still far from where it needs to be. Mental illness is just as real as any physical illness, even though externally we cannot see it. We must accept this reality and respond as such. There are so many that are suffering in silence without having the clinical care or support that we need. We can no longer allow this to continue. We have to be proactive in making sure that appropriate care is getting received and supported. Our pain and dismay cannot be for naught, it must galvanize as a community to be there for our brothers and sisters who are suffering.
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