Dear Matzav Inbox,
What has become of the music at our chasunos? It is nothing short of a disgrace. The once beautiful and meaningful tunes that elevated the simcha to a spiritual level have been replaced by club music and techno garbage.
We are witnessing a distortion of the sacredness of the occasion, as the music, the neginha, has become an instrument of cheap goyishe entertainment.
If you pay attention, there are two types of chasunos. There are those where you’ll find someone like R’ Yisroel Werdyger, R’ Menachem Moskowitz and others singing, and the music is always batampt.
And then there are other wedding that are just a bizayon. It is disheartening to see guests at weddings gyrating and dancing like goyim. I would post a few clips here so you can see what I’m talking about, but I don’t want to embarrass the people in them.
The holy chasunah is turned into a show of flamboyance, completely disconnected from the kedusha that should permeate every aspect of our simchos.
Where is the dignity that was once associated with our chasunos? Instead of lifting us up spiritually, the music brings us down, encouraging dancing and body movements that are more suited for a nightclub – not that I’ve ever been to one – than a Yiddishe chasunah.
Let’s call it what it is: a bizayon, a disgrace.
Sincerely,Sick to My Stomache
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