Dear Matzav Inbox,
As Bnei Torah, we strive to follow the gedolim, to live by the Torah, and to dedicate ourselves to Torah. We raise our children to be true yerei shamayim, to follow in the same path. We take pride in the values that define us, and yes, we don’t send our boys to the army, as we believe in protecting their spiritual growth.
But, we must ask ourselves – do we truly feel the pain of our brothers and sisters? Do we truly internalize the suffering of those who are in the trenches, of those whose sons, husbands, and fathers are fighting day and night for our safety?
It’s easy to say that we support them, that we are with them. But being with them is not just about words. It’s about being nosei b’ohl – truly carrying their burden. The mothers, fathers, and wives who are torn apart every single day, wondering if they’ll see their loved ones again – that pain should be ours, too.
It shouldn’t be something we can forget when we finish davening or when we sit down to a meal.
We need to shift our mindset, plain and poshut.
We can’t just pay lip service to their suffering. We must feel it in our hearts. Libi b’mizrach. My heart is with those in Eretz Yisroel fighting each day. Our hearts must ache for them, for their pain, their uncertainty, and their fear.
When we hear of another soldier on the front lines, or another family struggling with the weight of this war, we need to think of them like they’re our own children, our own brothers, our own fathers. We must ask ourselves: What can we do to help bear their burden?
This is not just a time to offer a few kind words. We need to truly be with them in their time of need. We need to make their pain our own, and in doing so, bring ourselves closer to the ideal of true achdus. We cannot stand by as passive observers – we are one family.
When one of us suffers, all of us suffer. When one of us fights, we all fight alongside him.
Let us not be content with merely talking about the pain, but let us take it to heart, and act on it. Let us daven with more kavana, let us give tzedakah more generously, let us do whatever we can to show that we are truly bearing the burden with those who need us. Maybe abstain from something. Maybe shed a tear. Maybe talk to your children about these special Yidden who put their lives on the line.
May we grow in our sense of achdus and shared concern for our people.
Sincerely,A Rebbi
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