I am writing to express my concern regarding a trend that I believe warrants discussion and reflection within our community. Specifically, I have noticed a growing number of individuals within the frum community who utilize non-Jewish music as background accompaniment to their social media posts, statuses, and Instagram stories.
We have a responsibility to uphold a certain standard. Having such music on frum social media pages is a disgrace! What a chillul Hashem!
Using non-Jewish music as a backdrop to your social media presence goes against everything we stand for.
Anyone who does this should be ashamed of themselves. It’s a bizayon.
So you’ll ask me how I know about it? I have a good friend who works in the world of fashion, producing clothing. This friend has many connections in the industry and told me that it is hard to believe how many so-called “influencers,” especially women, use non-Jewish music on their posts. It’s shocking, disturbing, and disgusting.
Enough is enough.
We should call these people out and let them know that you won’t stand for it. Protest it! Let them know! Don’t stand for it!
It’s time to bring some taharah and purity back into our machaneh.