Dear Editor,
Rabbosai, the communities of New York have been hit very hard with a double מגיפה ל״ע. The first is the terrible corona virus and its effect. It hit us all very hard and eveyone has been effected by it in some shape or form. This is all יד השם and extremely tough on everyone.  ה ירחם.
The second מגיפה is the patients that were transported to certain hospitals. The hospitals are totally incompetent of dealing with this situation. Horror story after horror story are coming out of the hospitals where patients lie there begging for help for days and not getting it.
We lost many of our community members only due to the fact that they landed up in these Hospitals. Many of these victims only precondition problem was that they live near these dumps.
It’s a fact many of the patients who went to the hospitals like Lenox, Mt Sini and NYU with the same symptoms and worse are surviving. Look at the death rate coming out of Lenox hill. It’s no where near the numbers coming out of the dumps I’m talking about. People were put in rooms and left alone so they can starve to death not even giving patients a much needed sip of water or the decency of some communication to their worried families.  They were terribly neglected time and time again.
Maybe before we scream at the people with the minyonim that they are rotzchim, scream at these hospitals, “Murderers.” That’s were most of the dead are coming from.
To make things worse, along come “apologists,” putting out messages trying to help cover up for these various hospitals. If this was your father, mother, brother or sister dying, you would be screaming at them, not excusing them. For all those making “nice nice,” before you go to sleep at night look at yourself and ask yourself if you can say 100% for sure ידינו לא שפכה הדם הזה.
These hospitals should be banned from treating humans under the current circumstances.
Hatzoloh should not take patients to these placed anymore unless they are extremely critical for this reason.
Let your friends and family know this before it’s too late. THIS MUST STOP.
A Concerned New Yorker