Dear Editor,
Why is there deafening silence on the school tuition issue? Like tuition doesn’t end after playgroup? Only playgroups deserve a discussion about whether they should be paid? What about parents who are paying thousands each month for school tuition?
At the very least, schools should acknowledge that it’s a legitimate question.
In a perfect world, these steps should have taken:
1. Very early on in Covid-19, every school should have sent a communication to the parent body, acknowledging that’s it’s a question that they are working to resolve fairly. Almost no schools mentioned it to their parents. How unfair.
2. Schools should have had representation of the parent body and together with school representatives should have met, via Zoom, with mutually agreed upon dayanim to resolve the issue.
3. At the very least, schools should have unilaterally been shoel and presented the psak to their parent body with the reasoning.
The universal silence (other than a couple of mosdos) is troubling to parents who are dying from financial pressures, crushed under the burden that they can’t take anymore.
I mamish don’t get it.
The only thing worse is how seminaries are going about their business, but that’s a separate discussion.
And the groundswell of dissatisfaction of thousands of parents will explode as the question of registrations for next year comes to fruition.
Disclaimer: On a personal level I have no issue whatsoever paying my kids’ elementary school full tuition agreement because my kids’ schools are doing a phenomenal job, but even they absolutely SHOULD have acknowledged the issue and they didn’t.
Don’t we, parents, deserve a drop of respect?
With great respect,
A Parent
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