A soldier from the Golani Brigade, who had been injured during the fierce combat in Gaza, experienced an unexpected and emotional moment while vacationing in Sri Lanka. While attending a local shul, he was reading from a Megillah and discovered that it was dedicated in memory of three soldiers who had fallen in the war, including Major Moshe Avram Bar On, who died in a battle in which the soldier himself had also been wounded.
“This was the first time the Megillah was opened and read. It was great closure for Purim. The connection between the holiday of Purim, the reading of the Megillah, and the memory of the fallen soldiers made the moment particularly emotional and shocking.”
Major Bar-On lost his life during the intense fighting in the Shejaiya neighborhood, located in the eastern part of Gaza City, alongside several other soldiers.
Bar-On had made aliyah to Israel at the age of seven, having arrived from Paris. He served as a company commander for recruits in the Golani Brigade’s 51st Battalion. Just one day before his death, Moshe exchanged his final words with his sister, Rivka, with whom he had a particularly close bond.
“I’m going to sleep exhausted for a few hours, but today I know for sure that the world is becoming a little bit better, and what we are doing – I have no words to describe how meaningful it is.'”
{Matzav.com Israel}The post Miraculous Closure in Sri Lankan Megillah first appeared on Matzav.com.
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