Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, celebrated Independence Day on Thursday with what appears to be a enigmatic riddle.
An image posted on the agency’s Facebook page showed blurry rows of Mossad logos, some only partially visible. It is fashioned like a screenshot from a videotape, with the word “play” in the upper left corner and the time stamp 00:01:11.
Also shown is the date of Israel’s Independence Day — May 14, 1948. Included in the post is the website name “”
According to Israeli news site Mako, the image may be a recruiting tool. Those who succeed in solving the riddle may be given information on how to contact the agency.
Mako notes that the Mossad launched a recruiting campaign last December, but omitted any information on how to communicate with the agency.
The campaign included an advertisement directed toward prospective recruits. “You’re already skilled at packing for three days, and like to say that you will not go to football with your friends Monday evening because you’re in London for two meetings,” it said, and mentioned the practice of “algotrading,” or playing the stock exchange using computer algorithms.
The message then cryptically referred to what appears to be work as an undercover agent, saying, “Suddenly you become English.”
“We have a proposal that is exactly that,” said the advertisement. “We could tell you, but then… yes. Don’t try to guess. There’s no point.”
“The Mossad is recruiting,” the ad concluded. “Maybe you?”
No contact information was provided with the message.
The Algemeiner   (c) 2019 .         Benjamin Kerstein