It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Mrs. Gitty Greenberg a”h of Lakewood. She was 36. Mrs. Greenberg battled serious illness for the last year, with numerous community members undertaking tefillos and kabbalos for her zechus.
A longtime morah in Lakewood, Mrs. Greenberg resided in the Redondo Lane area of Raintree. Her husband, Rav Avrohom, is a longtime rosh chaburah at Bais Medrash Govoha. The family is part of the Bais Medrash Ohr Shimon kehillah.
She was a daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Feivel Wahl, longtime editor and writer for ArtScroll/Mesorah.
Mrs. Greenberg leaves behind her husband and their eight children.
The levayah will take place today, at 2:15 p.m., at the Congregation Sons of Israel Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Street, in Lakewood, NJ, followed by kevurah in the adjacent bais hachaim. Watch the levayah HERE (passcode 082779).
