Today, Israel’s negotiating teams regarding the Gaza hostages presented several outlines to the members of the Security Cabinet.
“According to one of the outlines, Israel will demand the release of 20 hostages, including women, female soldiers, the elderly and patients with serious medical conditions, and in return, Israel will agree to the return of residents to the northern Gaza Strip,” Channel 12 News reported.
The report also mentioned, “Israel will not announce the end of the war as part of the plan.” Additionally, it stated, “the price for the deal that Israel will pay will be very heavy, but at this stage, no further details can be published.”
In response to the reported outline, New Hope party chairman MK Gideon Sa’ar remarked, “We had to repeat for the hundredth time, there is no chance of a new outline for the release of hostages without using full military power against Hamas. Not with empty threats, but in practice.” He added, “After a break pre-Ramadan, the Ramadan break, and the post-Ramadan break in the war – the time has come for a new strategy. The goals of the war will not be achieved through pleading or chasing illusions.”
Earlier, it was reported that the Egyptian head of intelligence, Abbas Kamel, offered a new proposal for the release of captives to ISA director Ronen Bar and IDF Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi during a meeting held by the three.
According to Ynet, under the proposal, “in exchange for the release of all captives in two stages over ten weeks, Israel would agree to stop all preparations for entering Rafah, release hundreds of Palestinian Arab terrorists, and agree to a full ceasefire for a year during which steps to promote the establishment of a Palestinian state will be announced.”
Currently, Hamas is demanding the release of 50 terrorists for each kidnapped soldier and 30 for each civilian.
{ Israel}