Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu delivered a speech on Sunday at Mt. Herzl in Yerushalayim during the state memorial for Ze’ev Jabotinsky. He emphasized that “Only increasing the military pressure on Hamas will lead to achieving all of the objectives of the war, including the return home of all of our hostages, the living and the deceased.”
Netanyahu also addressed the regional threats, stating, “Iran and its minions are looking to surround us in a stranglehold of terrorism. We are determined to stand against them on every front and in every arena – near and far. Whoever seeks to harm us will pay a very heavy price.”
President Isaac Herzog spoke to the crowd, acknowledging the current tense and complicated situation. He mentioned, “We are all enduring very tense and complex times. Our enemies, part of an axis of evil, have declared their intent to attack us soon with great force. I do not underestimate the severity of this threat. I see and hear the deep anxieties, and I am well aware of the concerns and doubts following October 7th. Despite everything, as someone privy to intelligence and other materials, I unequivocally declare: The State of Israel is prepared to confront this threat.”
Herzog assured that Israel’s military capabilities are exceptional, highlighting, “We possess top-tier military capabilities. Our air force and highly advanced multi-dimensional defense systems stand alert and ready – and have already proven themselves. We have comprehensive intelligence. Our emergency and rescue networks, as well as the Home Front, are more prepared than ever before. We are capable of protecting our citizens against any threat posed by our enemies.”
He underscored the importance of Israel’s alliances, particularly with the United States, saying, “We maintain strong political and security alliances and partnerships committed to thwarting any hostile actions. Chief among these is our alliance with the world’s strongest power, the United States, which is committed to our security. Together, we have already led a broad security coalition against the Iranian axis of evil. Our relationship with the United States is strong, secure, and stable. This alliance has proven itself time and again since the onset of the conflict. We have no greater ally, and it is crucial to remember and uphold this relationship.”
Herzog sent a firm warning to adversaries, stating, “I wish to send a clear message to our enemies: We did not seek this war. But when left with no choice, when faced with actions aimed at our destruction, we will defend ourselves without compromise—anytime, anywhere, and by any means necessary.”
He also emphasized the readiness of Israel’s security forces, noting, “Our security forces are vigilant and prepared. They will do their duty and do it well. While Israel has strong defenses, it is important to recognize that they cannot guarantee absolute safety. Therefore, it is vital to follow instructions of the Home Front Command, remain calm, and not hesitate to seek support, including emotional support. This is important and necessary.”
Herzog called for national unity and solidarity during these challenging times, urging, “Another important point: during such challenging times, we must take responsibility for Israeli unity and solidarity. Our national resilience is being tested, and we all feel that internal tensions and polarization are growing, precisely when we can afford it least. I call on public leaders to calm the situation, exercise restraint, refrain from crossing red lines, and protect our social fabric and solidarity. We must not harm the IDF. Based on intelligence reports, I know that our enemies celebrate when they see division among us. This is a strategic gain for them.”
Regarding the issue of hostages, Herzog stressed the urgency of their return, stating, “I want to address the issue of returning the hostages: advancing a deal to bring the hostages back is central to our resilience and unity. We must come together, meet the challenge, and expedite a hostage deal. It is our highest duty to act urgently to bring the hostages home. Our brothers and sisters face daily life-threatening danger, and we must fulfill our obligation to bring them back—the living to their homes, and the fallen to a proper burial in Israel.”
{ Israel}