The Chabad house in Abuja, Nigeria, led by Rabbi Israel and Haya Ozan, held an event celebrating its tenth anniversary, dedicating a new wing of its Beis Chabad modeled on 770. A Hachnasas Sefer Torah l’illui nishmas HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, z’tl was celebrated as part of the event. The Sefer Torah was donated by the philanthropist Reb Dov Ziskin of New York. The event was attended by shluchei Chabad throughout Africa, including the Ivory Coast and Ghana, as well as shluchim from the US, members of the local Jewish kehilla, and even local non-Jews. The singers Amir Dadon and Micha Shitrit were brought in especially from Israel to sing for the crowd during the celebration and seudas mitzvah. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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