In response to New York City’s Black Lives Matter murals – done as nods to the growing nationwide anti-racism movement – two police advocacy groups are asking Mayor Bill de Blasio for their chance to make a statement of their own. The groups want to paint the words “Blue Lives Matter” on the street next to 1 Police Plaza in Lower Manhattan, a refrain used by those in the law enforcement community calling attention to the dangers police officers face each day on the job. They also suggested using the area at Broadway and West 45th Street in midtown as an alternative location. Those groups, Blue Lives Matter NYC and Standing Up for NYC, wrote a letter to de Blasio, saluting him for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement and his attempts to bring awareness to systemic racism, while also hoping they can get a tribute of their own. READ THE LETTER BELOW AS WELL AS A POLL ON SOCIAL MEDIA ASKING IF THE MAYOR WOULD EVER ALLOW THIS Would @NYCMayor allow the #NYPD to paint #BlueLivesMatter in blue in front of 1 Police Plaza in Lower Manhattan? — NYC Scanner (@NYScanner) July 9, 2020 (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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