Dear Matzav,
I’m writing this letter because I my Rav just taught me something I never knew and I wanted to pass it along.
My rav said that people have a misconception that if you miss a night of say sefira you shouldn’t bother counting anymore. In actuality, the bracha is m’drabanan and if you missed a night you lose the chance to make the bracha. (he also said that it’s a machlokes in the poskim and it’s a chiddush that we pasken this way.)
But the Rav emphasized that even though you cant make the bracha anymore the mitza to count each day is m’daraysa and applies even you miss a night.
I never knew this and missed out many years of counting and doing mitzvos all because of night I had missed. I’m sure that I am not the only one which is why I’m passing along this message.
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