It’s the greatest connection we will ever experience in our entire lives. A connection of bliss, pure pleasure, enjoyment, satisfaction and fulfillment.  It’s our connection to our Heavenly Father, the Ribono Shel Olam. If we understood that special connection, we’d never have a worry or concern.  The opportunity to daven to the One who controls every facet of our lives is so unbelievable, so powerful, so transformative, that we should, in truth, spend time each day davening in gratitude for being able to daven. It’s an unparalleled zechus. And since it is so, we must analyze how we act when we daven and when we are in a place of tefillah.  We would never, ever, even contemplate pulling out a cell phone in shul. We would surely never talk or text on it in the middle of davening. It would be unconscionable. It would be unthinkable. And it should be. If the only connection you and I need is with Hashem, then any other connection is a harmful disturbance.  During this trying period, when we’ve all been alienated from our precious botei knesses, let’s make a heartfelt pledge – a real, genuine pledge. A pledge that we will really try to keep:  We will keep our cell phones away in Shul. Imagine if we all collectively did this. Can you fathom what a kiddush Hashem it would create? Can you contemplate how many zechusim will accrue for each and every one of us? So let’s do this – together. Put. It. Away. In shul? No phone.  Because the only connection you and I need….is with Hashem.   Click here to sign up 
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