Following the release of letters from the Rabbonim of Lakewood and Rabbonim of Los Angeles, the Rabbonim of Chicago have also released a letter ahead of Purim. The Rabbonim are requesting that no one travel to Chicago to collect as they do every Purim, and even Yeshiva Bochrim who are in Chicago, should refrain from doing so this year. The letter follows: L’chavod Roshei Yeshiva shlit”a and Roshei Mosdos shlit”a, Purim is around the corner and we all turn our eyes to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for Him to protect us from all difficulty and distress and to send bracha and hatzlacha to all our endeavors. We all understand the need to strengthen the sustainability of our Torah and chesed institutions, especially in trying times like these. Under normal circumstances, our baalei tzedakah are eager to give generously to all those who approach them during this time of the year. The presence of many guests of all ages has always added to the unique and joyous atmosphere of the day. This Purim, however, like much else that has happened this past year, will have to be different than in the past. Despite our firm belief in the power and the merit of tzedakah and specifically hachzakas hatorah, we nevertheless strongly request for groups not to be sent to our community this coming Purim to collect funds. In addition, even bachurim from Chicago that will be home for Purim, should be asked not to go around collecting. This request is unfortunately what is necessary at this time, bearing in mind the potential health concerns and chilul Hashem that this can chas v’Shalom create. This is in addition to the fact that we have received reports that many households are not comfortable at this time opening their doors to the influx of visitors. Despite the above, we deeply desire the opportunity to show and give our support to the mekomos Hatorah. Our Rabbanim and askanim stand together in encouraging the extended community to still give generously through other means. Additionally, a special fund is being set up for individuals to contribute to, and after Purim the funds will be distributed to the Yeshivos that have regularly come to our community in the past. May we merit to celebrate this Purim amidst joy and happiness and to see the fulfillment of the pasuk, ציון במשפט תפדה ושביה בצדקה. Sincerely, Rabbi Zev Cohen Rav, Adas Yeshurun Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Levin Rosh Hayeshiva, Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst Dayan, Agudas Yisroel of Illinois Rabbi Dovid Zucker Rosh Kollel, Kollel Zichron Shneur Rabbi Henoch Plotnik Rabbi Yaakov Robinson On behalf of the Chicago Rabbanim of the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Vaad Rabbanim (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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