Rav Bentzion Hacohen Kook, posek from Yerushalayim and head of the Beis Hora’ah Haklali of Yerushalayim, is due to visit New York and New Jersey this coming weekend, after two years during which he has not visited the United States.
Rav Kook is coming to celebrate the wedding of his talmid in New York, but is expected to stay for a few more days, giving Shiurim in Halacha and Shmuesen in yeshivas and batei midrash.
Rav Kook, author of the Seforim Tzioni Halacha including thousands psokim that he heard from his rebbi, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, will spend next Shabbos in Monsey and will then stay he Lakewood.
Before leaving Eretz Yisroel, Rav Kook went to receive broach for the trip from Rav Chaim Kanievsky. This was as part of the framework of the establishment of a special bais din, Mamleches Kohanim, for Taharas Kohanim headed by Rav Kook.
Rav Kook spoke in front of Rav Chaim about the privilege that the kohanim have. “Even among the thousands of letters that arrive at the home on Rechov Rashbam, Maran first answers the questions of the khanim before all the rest ‘midin vekidashto.’”
Then Rav Chaim asked for the blessing of the kohanim. The six members of the bais din, headed by Rav Kook, bentched Rav Chaim.
Rav Chaim smiled. “I always gives brachos. This time I’ve been able to receive a birkas kohen from a meyuchasdige kohein,” he said to Rav Kook.
{Matzav.com Israel}
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