With great sadness, Matzav.com reports the passing of Reb Yaakov (Yankel) Montag z”l, a longtime resident of Flatbush, Brooklyn. He was in his upper seventies.
R’ Yaakov was a true ba’al chesed, known for his selfless generosity and dedication to helping others.
His acts of kindness were many, and his commitment to giving tzedakah to both mosdos and individuals was unwavering. He formed close connections with numerous yeshivos and mosdos haTorah, supporting them in any way he could.
Though his chesed was quiet and understated, it was deeply impactful. R’ Yaakov was humble, aidel, and soft-spoken, always striving to serve Hashem with sincerity and reverence. He was a man of great yiras Shomayim, whose actions reflected his ahavas haTorah, ahavas Hashem and ahavas Yisroel.
In his business dealings, R’ Yaakov, the consummate ish yoshor, remained focused on what truly mattered—his limud haTorah and his commitment to chesed. His approach to life was always marked by equanimity and bitachon, trusting in Hashem through every challenge and triumph.
Even after the loss of his beloved wife a”h and his subsequent remarriage, R’ Yaakov remained steadfast and strong. He dedicated himself to raising a beautiful mishpacha of bnei and bnos Torah.
R’ Yaakov petirah leaves a void that will be felt by all who knew him. He was a true model of chashivus haTorah, chesed, anavah, and emunah.
The levayah was held today in Lakewood.
He is survived by his wonderful family and children and grandchildren following in his ways.
Yehi zichro baruch.
