Belgian Jews were permitted to resume davening in their shuls on Monday, with various restrictions in place, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. “People were actually walking in the street with tears in their eyes after davening on their porches for three months,” one resident of Antwerp told B’Chadrei. A special message sent to residents by the Kehillas Machzikei Hadas stated: “Since the federal regulations for the COVID-19 situation were implemented, the Chareidi community in Antwerp informed, requested and called to the members of the community – in various ways, through the rabbanim and leaders of the community – for maximum compliance with the regulations in public and private, despite the difficulties they imposed on day-to-day life both from a social and religious standpoint.” “On Wednesday, yud aleph Sivan, the Security Council approved the move to Phase 3 of the plan for the easing of restrictions and a return to the routine beginning on Monday, tes zayin Sivan. As reported in the daily health reports, the data regarding our health situation is encouraging, b’h. The experts have therefore given a green light to the beginning of this new phase.” The message continued by stating that community members must respect the regulations governing the maximum number of people allowed in each building – one person for each 16 meters – the prohibition of physical contact between people as well as the usage of objects by multiple users. Other rules are maintaining hygiene by using only paper towels, washing hands and refraining from shaking hands. Outdoor activities are preferable but if not possible, buildings should be well-ventilated. Men’s mikvaos in Antwerp were also re-opened on Monday. הצצה נדירה: המקווה של פשעווארסק באנטוורפן נפתח הבוקר אחרי שלושה חודשים תוך שמירה על כל ההנחיות — משה ויסברג (@moshe_nayes) June 8, 2020 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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