Robinhood removed GameStop, AMC, BlackBerry, and Nokia from its trading platform on Thursday, leaving investors unable to buy the highly volatile stocks. The discount brokerage informed clients they can close out positions in the affected stocks but cannot purchase additional shares, according to numerous screenshots shared on Twitter. The move came before markets opened on Thursday. The stocks that were removed have all surged in recent trading sessions as day-traders united in Reddit forums like WallStreetBets frenetically buy the names to push their share prices higher. The phenomenon has already fueled massive losses for numerous hedge funds and caught the attention of regulators and the White House. A Reddit group known as WallStreetBets has rallied its members behind several stocks, most notably GameStop, which has increased by nearly 1,000% in the last week. AMC has increased by 400% in the last week. Since the halt, stocks impacted have dropped in value. (Source: Business Insider)
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