On this Erev Rosh Hashanah of 5784/85, we would like to thank the Ribono Shel Olam for all the Chesed He has shown us since the founding of YWN and allowing us to grow into a website our vast readership have all come to trust and count on. We thank our hundreds of thousands of devoted readers across the globe for visiting YWN, patronizing our advertisers, and continuing to make our platform your #1 stop for breaking news. We started YWN more than twenty years ago, and without your participation, we would not be entering our 21st year together. Through trust and dedication over the past two decades, YWN has been able to bring every major story of interest to our readers and has been able to stay far ahead of the curve. Thanks to our entire staff of reporters, the YWN Israel Bureau staff (led by Sara R.), office personnel, our photo & video staff – including: Lazer E., Baruch S, Yossi R, Yehuda Boltshauser (the ENTIRE STAFF at Kuvien Images & YWN Israel), PhotoDynamics, and the rest of the team – for capturing as many photos & videos as possible of anything of interest for the YWN readership. We thank our hundreds of advertisers, our superb sales, and all of you who click on the ads. We know they may seem annoying, but it allows us to keep bringing you news as it happens 24 hours a day. With offices in Baltimore, New York, Canada, Lakewood, Florida and Jerusalem, our staff is working around the clock to bring you the latest news in live time as we have proven over and over for 21 years. Special thanks to the staff at the Baltimore Headquarters (Chaim C.) and our tech team in Israel (headed by Daniel G.) for their incredible dedication and tireless work on the technical end to make sure YWN works at optimum levels. We thank the more than 100,000 that have signed up to our WhatsApp Groups and WhatsApp Status for breaking news, the more than 70,000 who follow @YWN on Twitter, the nearly 120,000 who follow @TheYeshivaWorld on Instagram, and the tens of thousands who follow us on on Facebook. On that note, I would like to personally thank everyone once again for reading Yeshiva World News, and making this site the largest Frum news website on the Internet. Sadly, this past year YWN had to report on some really tragic, horrific, and heartbreaking stories. News items that we never in our worst nightmares thought we would ever have to publish. It’s always tough to report on these incidents, as they hit so close to home and we appreciate the chizzuk we receive from our readership. May Hashem grant us all a year of prosperity, health, security, safety, and may we be Zoche to have the Zechus of reporting the arrival of Moshiach! Kisiva Vachasima Tova to all! ויהי רצון שתזכו לכתיבה וחתימה טובה לחיים טובים וארוכים בספרן של צדיקים גמורים YWN Editor. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)