Following the deadly shooting attack on Monday morning that claimed the lives of three Israelis, settlers wreaked havoc in multiple Palestinian villages across the West Bank, according to reports from the Yesh Din human rights organization.
The Palestinian villages affected by the violence included al-Funduq, where the attackers were believed to have come from, as well as Hajja, Turmusaya, and Immatain, Yesh Din reports.
Videos from these villages reveal images of cars set on fire by settlers, their vehicles engulfed in flames.
“Once again, the army is doing nothing to prevent settler violence. This time, too, the writing was on the wall, and notices calling for riots in the villages were distributed publicly among settlers. This is what the Wild West looks like,” says Yesh Din.
In fact, several rights groups had earlier shared the far-right Israeli social media posts, which openly called for participation in violent actions aimed at “erasing al-Funduq.” Despite calls for preventive measures, it appears no such actions were taken by the authorities.
{ Israel}
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