Appearing on the front page of Time Magazine this week, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu for the first time expressed his remorse for the October 7th Hamas massacre.
When pressed by interviewer Eric Cortellessa, Bibi responded: “Of course, of course. I am sorry, deeply, that something like this happened. And you always look back and you say, ‘Could we have done things that would have prevented it?’”
Also in the interview, Bibi rejected the claims many of his opponents have made, that he is dragging out the war for personal political reasons, saying it was a ““canard”
When asked about the the threat to Israel’s image around the world, Bibi said: “I’d rather have bad press than a good obituary.”
Regarding his much maligned decision to allow Qatari money to flow to Hamas prior to October 7th, Bibi said “We wanted to make sure that Gaza has a functioning civilian administration to avoid humanitarian collapse.”
Bibi told the interviewer he views his biggest mistake as not pushing back enough on the assumptions of Israeli security agencies, saying: “Oct. 7 showed that those who said that Hamas was deterred were wrong. If anything, I didn’t challenge enough the assumption that was common to all the security agencies.”
Bibi also emphasized that Israel must end the war in Gaza with a decisive vicotry, so that Hamas does not end up in control of the territory and pose a threat to Israel.