Dozens of people demonstrated outside the military court building in Beit Lid, where the court was hearing the case of eight reserve soldiers who were arrested under suspicion of seriously abusing Nukhba terrorist at the Sde Teiman prison facility.
The court has decided to release three of the accused soldiers on limited conditions, while considering extending the detention of the other five detained soldiers.
MK Limor Sonn Har-Melech of Ben-Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit party attended the protest, along with many others.
Protest attendees spoke out against Chief Military Prosecutor, Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi, who ordered the arrest of the suspects last week, saying: “Only in the perverted and sick world of the Chief Military Prosecutor will our soldiers be stalked during a war. The Chief Military Prosecutor will obviously make sure that the handcuffs are not fastened too tight on the hands of the terrorists,”