yahrtzeit-candlesAharon Hakohen (1395-1272 BCE) [the only yahrtzeit mentioned in the Torah]
Elazar ben Aharon Hakohen
Rav Eliezer Isserlish, brother of the Rema (1623)
Rav Yosef, Rav of Dubna and author of Yesod Yosef (1700)
Rav Yisrael Avraham Zev of Chevron, author of Orim Gedolim (1731)
Rav Asher Ginsburg, Rav of Wallerstein and son of the Shaagas Aryeh (1742)
Rav Chaim of Krasna (1793)
Rav Shmuel Ehrenfeld (1805-1883), author of Chasan Sofer, and Rav in Matersdorf.
Rav Aharon Halberstam (1826-1903). Born in Rudnick to Rav Chaim, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, he was appointed Rav of Sanz in 1857, during the lifetime of his famous father. After his father’s petira in 1876, Rav Aharon was the one of the sons who did not become a Rebbe, refusing to accept the chassidim who came to his house. Some of his Divrei Torah were published in Meged Eretz by a grand-nephew, Rav Aharon Halberstam of Biale-Bilitz.
Rav Yaakov Moshe Shurkin, Rosh Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, student of the Chafetz Chaim (1963)
Rav Shlomo Halberstam (1908-2000), son of Rav Ben Zion, grandson of Rav Shlomo, founder of the Bobov dynasty. At the outbreak of World War II, he and his father escaped to Lemberg. On the fourth of Av 1942 his father was killed, and Rav Shlomo escaped to the Bochnia Ghetto. In Bochnia, the Rav lost his Rebbetzin and two children. He managed to escape with his only surviving child, Naftali, to Budapest, and then to Bucharest. Rav Shlomo is believed to have been the last remaining Chassidic rabbi to have survived the Holocaust. Born in the Galicia region of central Europe, Rav Shlomo arrived in the United States in 1946,
alone and indigent after his group was largely obliterated by the Nazis. During the war, Rav Shlomo dressed up as a nun in order to rescue other Jews, hiding them in the false bottom of a coal truck. Rav Shlomo is widely credited with rebuilding the Bobover community in the United States.
Today in History – 1 Av
· The prophet Ezra arrives in Yerushalayim, 347 BCE. 1,496 men chose to come with him (this was in the days before subsidies), and Ezra had to persuade 38 Levi’im with their 200 servants (the Levi’im didn’t want to come, and it was only because they were essential for the Temple service that Ezra managed to get them to join him).
· Columbusset sail for the New World, 1492. There is an entry in Columbus’ diary noting the expulsion of Jews from Spain right before he set sail.
· In Poland at the Nazis’ Treblinka concentration camp – located 60 miles northeast of Warsaw, some 600 prisoners staged an uprising and fled into the woods, 1943. On a Monday at about 4:00 p.m., before the resistance leaders could gain full control of the arms cache, a suspicious SS officer was killed by a shot that alerted the camp guards and prematurely signaled the inmates to revolt. During exchanges of gunfire, some prisoners torched parts of the camp. As the escapees ran for their lives, most were gunned down from the camp’s watchtowers or caught and killed later. On the day of the uprising, the camp held approximately 850 prisoners. Some 750 tried to escape. Only 70 survived.
· The S.S. Exodus with 4,000 illegal Jewish immigrants on board was seized by the British and forced to sail back to Germany, 1947. The negative public relations which this generated for the British contributed to their final decision to leave the Middle East in 1948.
· Raoul Wallenberg was reported by Russia to have died in prison, 1947 · Egyptian military officers, led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, launced a successful coup against King Farouk I, 1952
· President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Medicare bill into law, effective the following year.
· Apollo 11 blasted off from Cape Kennedy on the first manned mission to the surface of the moon. 1969.
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