Rav Dovid Hanaggid ben Avrohom ben Rambam (1224 or 1233-1300). Rav David lived in Eretz Yisrael for a number of years then moved back to Egypt where he died. His remains where brought back to Israel and he was buried in Tiberias in order to be next to the grave of his Grandfather.
Rav Chanoch Henach Dov Maier of Alesk, the Lev Sameyach (1800-1884). Rav Chanoch married Frieda Rokeach, daughter of the first Belzer Rebbe, Rav Shalom. Following the death of Rav Berish Flam, Rav Chanoch was elected Rebbe of Alesk.
Today in History – 1 Elul
· Hashem tells Zerubavel ben Sha’altiel (via Chaggai) to rebuild the Beis haMikdash.
· Shmuel Hanaggid’s army vanquishes the army of Abu Abbas (the vizier of Amir Badis) in Almaria, 1038. He established this day as a day of rejoicing for all his descendants.
· Jews of Cologne, Germany set fire to their homes and perished in the flames to escape forced baptism during the Black Plague massacres, 1349.
· Jews of Palma massacred, 1391
· Anti-Jewish riots claim 77 lives in Prague, 1400.
· Jews of Great Poland were granted limited self-government, 1551.
· The Jewish community of Neutitschlin, Moravia was expelled, 1563.
· Archbishop of Lvov provided hiding places for Jewish children and Sifrei Torah, 1942.
· The Soviet government permits the opening of a Jewish school in Riga, the first in fifty years, 1989.
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